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St Ives in Bloom 2023

Our Post 16 students were offered a great opportunity to take part in a project with the Norris Museum in St Ives. The project’s main objective was to give our pupils the chance to access community, feel included and valued at the same time. Additionally the activity aimed to represent part of our students’ work experience.


This year’s project name was ‘Edible Plants’ and during seven weeks of project, our pupils made their own badges, explored a range of vegetables and herbs, flower seeds and herbal teas which they later on planted into pots and looked after them . All their work is now on display outside Norris Museum by the river – we would love for you to visit whilst the weather is so beautiful.

The Mayor of St Ives joined us for the last two sessions and he helped our pupils create a bug hotel which they called “Bug-kingham Hotel”.

 Well done everyone for being so determined, hard-working and for behaving impeccably whilst you represented Spring Common Academy throughout this project!

Post 16 Teacher - Claudia Rosu