School Day
what you should send to school with your child
Children should bring a PE kit to school on the days they have PE and a swimming kit on the days they have swimming.
You will be expected to send in appropriate personal care/hygiene products as well as spare clothing where necessary. Arrangements for storage etc can be made through your child's class teacher.
If children bring their personal belongings into school (such as make-up: Post 16 only, pencil cases, books) they will be expected to take care of them.
School cannot be responsible for expensive items such as iPads and these should only come to school with prior agreement from Senior Management.
All clothing and possessions should be clearly labelled with your child's name.
For more information about school uniform please click here.
The daily routine
All children have timetables sent home with them at the start of the academic year. If you require paper copies of any timetables, please ask your child's class teacher.
The school day times are listed below.
9.00: | Doors open for pupils |
9.30: | Class/Registration |
9.35: | Session 1 |
10.45: | Morning break |
11.00: | Session 2 |
12.15: | Lunch time |
1.00: | Session 3 |
2.00: | Session 4 |
3.00: | Class time |
3.05: | Home time |
Whole school assembly takes place on a Friday afternoon from 2.30 until 3.00.
Lower school singing assembly takes place on a Wednesday at 2.45.
Upper school singing assembly takes place on a Tuesday at 10.20 before break.